We remained content to plug away at our inner city patch retrofitting the house where possible and growing a small amount of food but I think my resolve to move was crystallized by 2 different guests that appeared on Richard Fidler's "In Conversation" on ABC radio, within a week of each other.
The first was Richard Louv talling about his book "The Last Child in the Woods; saving our children from nature deficit disorder". What he spoke about really resonated with me and how even though as a family we often go camping or bushwalking, the children were craving more access to green space more regularly. The old quantity versus quality debate. I've long believed in the importance of building greater resilience in our children, as well as ourselves, and as our children enter their teen years they are constantly being tested as to the strength of theirs. Richard speaks often in his book about the power of nature to restore our equilibrium, reduce the impact of stress and increase our resilience. He quotes Rachel Carson " Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts"
The second guests were the authors of "Slow Death by Rubber Duck", Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. As scientists these men set out to examine the research and use themselves as guinea pigs to assess the extent to which every day chemicals are affecting our health. Chemicals such as teflon, anti-bacterials, plasticisers and more. Their results surprised and alarmed even themselves. Some of the chemicals they report on have now been banned in the USA but are still used here in Australia.
All of this cemented our desire to surround ourselves with more of a natural environment but would the children see it the same way? Would they be happy to leave the convenience of the inner city?
Their shouts of glee and the sight of all 3 of them running with abandon across the expanse of our new land soon answered my question.
Living more simply is not about being lazy or opting out or giving up but about working to create a better balance for ourselves and our children.